Crocodile 3 Croatia – Open Door and Career Days at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences

25.04 2024.
Crocodile 3 Croatia – Open Door and Career Days at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
On April 23, the Open Door and Career Days was held at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences in Zagreb. The goal of this event was to present companies from the fields of transport, aeronautics and logistics to students. 
Like every year so far, the company Hrvatske Autoceste responded readily to present the activities we are engaged in, as well as the projects in the field of ITS that we are currently implementing. One of the significant projects that we presented is certainly Crocodile 3 Croatia, a project that is entirely related to ITS systems, traffic management, securing data and information in real time, which is certainly close to current and future students of road traffic sciences. 
Given the level of interest of current and future students, we are convinced that the ITS Directive and related projects will continue to develop in the future and contribute to even faster data availability, traffic management, and therefore traffic safety.

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