Online steering meeting and technical workshop of Crocodile 3 project partners

08.04 2022.
Online steering meeting and technical workshop of Crocodile 3 project partners
The online technical workshop of Crocodile 3 project partners discussed the current status of all project partners, a brief summary of changes in recent months and further review of what is still needed to determine with new completion dates, due to project extension until 31.12.2022.

New Webpage and LinkedIn
Due to the end of EU EIP in 2021, the webpage was redesigned and a new subpage for the CROCODILE corridor was created. 
In terms of the LinkedIn page more activity would be needed to give the CROCODILE corridor more visibility. 

Any other business 
Next SCOM will be organised in autumn 2022. A physical meeting would be welcomed. 

Cross-corridor cooperation
AustriaTech provides some background information on the past activities related to the cross-corridor cooperation within the “Duplo Forum” and discussions in terms of an integrated platform covering ITS/C-ITS.
Meetings of the Duplo Forum:
  • 03/02, Kick-off : willingness to cooperate; we need a common vision, mission and goal
  • 21/03, we need focus – areas to cooperate 
  • 12/04, possible scope of future collaboration

All CROCODILE partners will be informed about future meetings of the Duplo Forum and are invited to join.

Areas to cooperate in the Duplo Forum
Within the second meeting of the Duplo Forum on 21st March areas to cooperate/ to be dealt with in the new possible platform were identified and clustered. 
In order to achieve a prioritisation of those areas, the CROCODILE partners vote on the most important topics – each country has four points to distribute:  
